Monday 25 April 2011

Research Time


Research Time.

This week I spent most of my time researching about how kicking a soccerball with different types of footwear can have an effect on how far the ball will travel. A few interesting facts that I discovered from my research include - 

Arguments For Wearing Soccer Boots & Joggers - 
Obviously comfort level. When kicking a ball your feet  can become really sore if proper footwear is not worn. Although joggers do help, one of the main reasons why football boots where originally made besides offering support to the foot they can also help by correcting the form in which you kick the ball unlike normal joggers. 

Arguments Against Wearing Closed Footwear (Barefoot) -
There wasn't many but a few people from first hand experience said they do prefer barefoot as apposed to their soccer boots as they are lighter and feel like they are getting more control over their shots and therefore are able to get more distance on a kick.

After training while my teamates where seated I asked all of them their thoughts on the topic and conducted a graph showing the results. Here was the result from 16 soccer players on their opinion on the topic. 

Soccer Boots - 11
Joggers - 2
Bare Foot - 3

The Blue Represents The Number Of Soccer Players Asked

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