Monday 25 April 2011

Method And Results


Method And Results.

This week I carried out my experiment and have written it out aswell as conducted the results.

The Experiment

Does kicking a soccerball barefooted, wearing soccer boots or ordinary joggers help you kick a soccer ball with more distance ? 

Aim -
To investiagate wether kicking barefooted, wearing soccer boots or wearing ordinary joggers helps kick the ball the furtherest distance.

Equiptment -
- 1 pair of soccer boots
- 1 pair of joggers
- 1 sock
- 1 soccerball (Inflated to 13lb (5kg) of Pressure)
- 1 tape measure
- 1 roll of masking tape
- 1 swing
- 1 1kg Weight (Used to represent the foot)

Saftey Precautions -
Stand clear of swing once you have released it from the 90% angle as it may come back and hit you.

Method -

1. Place 1 kg weight in a sock and tie it up using the masking tape.
2. Take the pair of soccer boots and place the sock with the weight inside one of the boots.
3. Place the soccer ball directly infront of the swing and mark the spot on the ground where the ball is by placing a square of tape on the ground.
4. Tape the back of the boot to the seat of the swing with the toe of the boot facing downwards
5. Lift the swing up to a 90 degree angle and hold for 3 seconds before letting go
6. Once the ball has been kicked measure the distance from the square of tape where the ball was kicked from to where the ball has landed
7. Pick up the ball and place it back on the tape so you can start with the next type of footwear
8. Repeat steps 2-7 three times
9. Replacing the soccer boot with the jogger repeat steps 2-8
10. Repeat steps 3-8 to test the distance when kicking barefoot (Barefoot is 1kg weight in sock)

Results -

Conclusion -

In conclusion from the results gathered I have now found out that kicking a soccer ball with bare feet is slightly better then with boots if your planning on kicking for distance.

Preparing For The Experiment


Preparing For The Experiment

In this entry I will simply be writing up a few points that will help me later on when writing out the experiment. 

Equiptment -

- 1 pair of soccer boots
- 1 pair of joggers
- 1 sock
- 1 soccerball (Inflated to 13lb (5kg) of Pressure)
- 1 tape measure
- 1 roll of masking tape
- 1 swing 
- 1 1kg Weight (Used to represent the foot)

Controls - 

- Releasing the swing at 90 degree angle
- The air pressure in the ball
- 1kg weight

Variables -

- The type of footwear
- Angle which swing is released from
- Amount of pressur in the ball 
- Amount of weight
- Type of ball

- Distance the ball travels

Method Of Collecting Results -

I will be collecting the results by measuring the distance with a tape measure. 

Right now I am working on the draft of the experiment and will be completing it tomorrow and will add it into next weeks blog. For now here is a little example of how I will be setting it out. I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the image of a swing and added the ball and boot in. And if you are wondering why the swing, it is because I can get the same amount of force from each swing if I release it from the same height everytime where as if I just kick it, the amount of force would be different. 

Heres the picture I created -

Research Time


Research Time.

This week I spent most of my time researching about how kicking a soccerball with different types of footwear can have an effect on how far the ball will travel. A few interesting facts that I discovered from my research include - 

Arguments For Wearing Soccer Boots & Joggers - 
Obviously comfort level. When kicking a ball your feet  can become really sore if proper footwear is not worn. Although joggers do help, one of the main reasons why football boots where originally made besides offering support to the foot they can also help by correcting the form in which you kick the ball unlike normal joggers. 

Arguments Against Wearing Closed Footwear (Barefoot) -
There wasn't many but a few people from first hand experience said they do prefer barefoot as apposed to their soccer boots as they are lighter and feel like they are getting more control over their shots and therefore are able to get more distance on a kick.

After training while my teamates where seated I asked all of them their thoughts on the topic and conducted a graph showing the results. Here was the result from 16 soccer players on their opinion on the topic. 

Soccer Boots - 11
Joggers - 2
Bare Foot - 3

The Blue Represents The Number Of Soccer Players Asked

Brainstroming Ideas

Sunday, 6 MARCH 2011

Brainstroming Ideas

For my experiment I had a few ideas. I was faced with the challenge of deciding what I would choose. I came to conclusion that it had to be something that would appeal to me so that I wouldn't loose interest and could also further my knowledge in that area aswell as the fact that on the notification it informs us that the most successful research projects are those that hold some interest for the student. For example the topic sport, I chose sport as it is something I love and enjoy doing and do pretty much every day of the week. I narrowed it down to my two favourite sports. Soccer or Rugby. I decided on soccer because it gave me a wider range of possibilities that I could do for an experiment. Also between the final 2 questions I had, the soccer experiment I could do seeing as I don't have a leather, fabric or rubber football that I would need to perform the Rugby experiment. Luckily though I do have soccer boots, sneakers aswell as being able to kick the ball barefoot so I can go foward with my experiment. I have attached a picture my brainstorming below which contains the final 2 questions that I would base my experiment off, I did have other questions but these were what helped me to decide what I would experiment. 

Brainstorm done on ""